🖤 About Me

Hello! My name is Jinny Wong.

I’m pursuing my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at Fudan University.

I’m an software engineer intern on the Information Systems and Technology team at Apple Inc.
I will be open to any software engineer / machine learning research intern opportunities for early 2025.
Feel free to check out my resume and work here.

I play my electric guitar & do hypertrophy training in my spare time.
On rare occasions, I explore the city & catch sunrises with my Sony A6000 camera.

Contact info
📧 Feel free to send me an email at jinnywong2002@gmail.com .

About this site

I started this blog to record some of my work-related experiences, what I’ve learnt so far, and to share my reflections & accomplishments with my future self and others.

This blog is built with Hexo, and deployed on Vercel. The theme I’m currently using is Hexo Butterfly, and the background wallpaper is from Unsplash.

Employer Disclaimer

The content of this blog represents the personal views and works of Jinny Wong only. It does not represent the views, policies, opinions or works of any other company that I have worked for past, present or future.